7 Feeder Insects That Your Bearded Dragons Will Love to Eat

buy Dubia roaches

7 Feeder Insects That Your Bearded Dragons Will Love to Eat

As a loving pet owner, you want to make sure your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy. But feeding them the right food can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to choosing the best feeder insects.

With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to figure out what your dragon will enjoy and what will keep them healthy. You might worry about:

  • Offering the wrong food and causing digestive issues.

  • Overfeeding certain insects that are too fatty.

  • Making sure your pet is getting all the essential nutrients they need.

  • Not knowing which insects are safe and easy for your dragon to digest.

Don’t worry! Here, we’ll share 7 feeder insects that your bearded dragon will love to eat, making sure they get the right nutrients and enjoy every meal. You’ll learn exactly which insects to feed, how to provide variety, and how to keep your dragon healthy and satisfied.

1. Dubia Roaches: The Ideal Feeder Insect

One of the top feeder insects for bearded dragons is the Dubia roach. These roaches are rich in protein and fat, making them an excellent food choice for your pet. They are easy to digest, and their soft exoskeleton makes them ideal for young bearded dragons, ensuring they get the nutrients they need for proper growth. If you're looking to buy Dubia roaches, you’ll find that they’re widely available online and can be purchased in various sizes to match the needs of your dragon.

Dubia roaches are also relatively easy to care for, making them a great option for pet owners who are looking for a low-maintenance feeder insect. They have a long lifespan and can be bred at home, providing a steady food supply for your pet.

2. Crickets: A Classic Favorite

Crickets are another popular choice for bearded dragons. They’re readily available in pet stores and can provide essential protein for your dragon. When feeding crickets, make sure to gut-load them by feeding them nutritious foods before offering them to your pet. This helps ensure that your bearded dragon gets the maximum amount of nutrients.

One thing to keep in mind when feeding crickets is their jumping ability. Bearded dragons may love to hunt for crickets, but sometimes, they can be difficult to catch, especially if they escape from their enclosure. To solve this, consider placing the crickets in a shallow dish that your dragon can easily access.

3. Superworms: A Protein Powerhouse

Superworms are another excellent option for your bearded dragon. These large larvae are packed with protein and fats, making them perfect for growing dragons that need extra calories. They are also a great choice for adult bearded dragons who need a high-protein diet.

However, superworms should only be fed in moderation, as they are higher in fat than other insects. Too many superworms can lead to obesity, so it’s best to offer them as a treat rather than a staple in your dragon’s diet.

4. Mealworms: Easy to Find and Feed

Mealworms are one of the easiest feeder insects to find and feed your bearded dragon. These small, crunchy insects are packed with protein, making them a great addition to your dragon’s diet. Bearded dragons enjoy hunting and eating mealworms, and they can be offered both live and dried.

When feeding mealworms, it’s important to feed them in moderation. Mealworms are high in fat, so they should be treated as an occasional snack rather than a regular part of your pet's diet. You should also consider gut-loading mealworms to ensure your bearded dragon receives the maximum nutritional benefit.

5. Wax Worms: A Treat for Your Bearded Dragon

Wax worms are a fatty, high-calorie treat that your bearded dragon will love. These worms are a great option for a special snack and can help supplement your dragon’s diet when they need extra energy. However, because of their high fat content, wax worms should be fed sparingly.

If you are looking to provide variety in your dragon’s diet, wax worms are an excellent choice, but they should not be the primary food source.

6. Hornworms: Moist and Nutritious

Hornworms are another great feeder insect that is moist and easy to digest. These worms are an excellent source of hydration and contain essential nutrients like calcium, which is vital for your bearded dragon’s bone health. Bearded dragons love the movement of hornworms, which stimulates their natural hunting instincts.

Hornworms are a great addition to your dragon's diet, but they should not be the sole food source. Like other feeder insects, they should be offered alongside other varieties to ensure a balanced diet.

7. Silkworms: High in Protein and Low in Fat

Silkworms are one of the best feeder insects to include in your bearded dragon’s diet. These worms are low in fat and high in protein, making them a healthy choice for dragons of all ages. They also provide essential amino acids that support healthy growth.

Silkworms can be a little more expensive than other insects, but their nutritional value makes them well worth the investment. Bearded dragons enjoy their soft, chewy texture, and they are a great alternative to higher-fat insects like superworms and wax worms.


Feeding your bearded dragon a variety of insects is essential to ensure they get the nutrients they need to stay healthy and happy. By offering Dubia roaches, crickets, super worms, mealworms, wax worms, hornworms, and silkworms, you’ll give your pet a balanced diet that supports their growth and well-being. Remember, variety is key, and moderation is important when feeding insects high in fat.

Whether you’re new to bearded dragon ownership or you’ve had your pet for years, understanding the different feeder insects available will help you provide the best care possible. With a little effort, you can offer your bearded dragon a diverse and nutritious diet that keeps them happy and healthy for years to come.

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